Ernst Ruska Prize of the DGE |
The Ernst Ruska Prize 2023 of the German Society for Electron Microscopy e.V. (DGE) will be granted on decision of the Ernst-Ruska-Prize Committee
Prof. Dr. John Briggs, Martinsried
Prof. Dr. Lucy Collinson, London Prof. Dr. Molly R. McCartney, Arizona State Prof. Dr. Eva Olsson, Göteborg Prof. Dr. Holger Stark, Göttingen Prof. Dr. Josef Zweck, Regensburg to the awardee
Prof. Dr. Vincenzo Grillo
for his work on: "Advancing the boundaries in quantum electron optics" The prize was awarded at the Microscopy Conference 2023 in Darmstadt
Wednesday, March 1st, 2023 Pressemitteilung in deutsch --- Press Release in English |
Former Awardees |
The Ernst Ruska Prize 2021 of the German Society for Electron Microscopy e.V. (DGE) will be granted on decision of the Ernst-Ruska-Prize Committee
Prof. Dr. Lucy Collinson, London
Prof. Dr. Bram Koster, Leiden Prof. Dr. Eva Olsson, Göteborg Prof. Dr. Holger Stark, Göttingen Prof. Dr. Johan Verbeeck, Antwerpen Prof. Dr. Josef Zweck, Regensburg to the awardee
Dr. Julia Mahamid
for her work on: "Advancing the Boundaries of Cellular Electron Tomography" as well as to the awardee Prof. Dr. David A. Muller
for his work on: "Ultra-high Resolution Electron Microscopy and Spectroscopy" The prizes will be awarded at the Ernst-Ruska-Lecture of the Microscopy Conference 2021 in Vienna
Wednesday, August 25th, 2021 starting at 8:30 Pressemitteilung in deutsch --- Press Release in English |
The Ernst Ruska Prize 2019 of the German Society for Electron Microscopy e.V. (DGE) was granted on decision of the Ernst-Ruska-Prize Committee
Prof. Dr. Angus Kirkland, Oxford
Prof. Dr. Helmut Kohl, Münster Prof. Dr. Bram Koster, Leiden Prof. Dr. Daniel Studer, Bern Prof. Dr. Jo Verbeeck, Antwerpen Prof. Dr. Roger Wepf, Zürich to the awardees
Dr. Florent Houdellier and Prof. Dr. Claus Ropers
for their work on: "Ultrafast Electron Microscopy" The prizes were awarded at the Ernst-Ruska-Lecture of the Microscopy Conference 2019 in Berlin
on Wednesday, Sept. 4th 2019. |
The Ernst Ruska Prize 2017 of the German Society for Electron Microscopy e.V. (DGE) was granted on decision of the Ernst-Ruska-Prize Committee
Prof. Dr. Andreas Engel, Basel
Prof. Dr. Angus Kirkland, Oxford Prof. Dr. Helmut Kohl, Münster Prof. Dr. Paul Midgley, Cambridge Prof. Dr. Daniel Studer, Bern Prof. Dr. Roger Wepf, Zürich to the awardee
Prof. Sandra van Aert
for her work on: "New Techniques for Optimum Quantitative Analysis of Electron Microscopy Data" as well as to the awardee Dr. Radostin Danev
for his work on: "Hole Free Phase Plates with Applications in Cryo-EM" The prizes were awarded at the Ernst-Ruska-Lecture of the Microscopy Conference 2017 in Lausanne, Switzerland
on Thursday, Aug. 24th 2017. |
The Ernst Ruska Prize 2015 of the German Society for Electron Microscopy e.V. (DGE) was granted on decision of the Ernst-Ruska-Prize Committee
Prof. Dr. Christian Colliex, Orsay
Prof. Dr. Andreas Engel, Basel Prof. Dr. Robert M. Glaeser, Berkeley Prof. Dr. Joachim Mayer, Aachen Prof. Dr. Paul Midgley Cambridge Prof. Dr. Margit Pavelka, Wien to the awardee
Prof. Jian-Min (Jim) Zuo
for his work on: "Improvement of Electron Diffraction Techniques and Analysis" as well as to the awardees Dr. John Briggs and Prof. Dr. Jürgen Plitzko
for their work on: "Cryo-Electron Microscopy of Biological Objects" The awards were presented at the opening ceremony of the Microscopy Conference 2015 in Göttingen, Germany
on Monday, Sept. 7th 2015. Pressemitteilung in deutsch --- Press Release in English |
The Ernst Ruska Prize 2013 of the German Society for Electron Microscopy e.V. (DGE) was granted on decision of the Ernst-Ruska-Prize Committee
Prof. Dr. Christian Colliex, Orsay
Prof. Dr. Robert M. Glaeser, Berkeley Prof. Dr. Joachim Mayer, Aachen Prof. Dr. Margit Pavelka, Wien Prof. Dr. Gustaaf van Tendeloo, Antwerpen Prof. Dr. Paul Walther, Ulm to the awardee
Prof. Peter David Nellist
for his work on: "Aberration-corrected Scanning Confocal Transmission Electron Microscopy" as well as to the awardee Prof. Dr. Holger Stark
for his work on: "Novel Strategies for the Determination of the Molecular and Near-Atomic Structure of Biological Macromolecules" The awards were presented at the opening ceremony of the Microscopy Conference 2013 in Regensburg
on Monday, August 26th 2013. Pressemitteilung in deutsch --- Press Release in English |
The Ernst Ruska Prize 2011 of the German Society for Electron Microscopy e.V. (DGE) was awarded on decision of the Ernst-Ruska-Prize Committee
Prof. Dr. Alan Craven, Glasgow
Prof. Dr. Jacques Dubochet, Lausanne Prof. Dr. Gareth Griffiths, Oslo Prof. Dr. Hannes Lichte, Dresden Prof. Dr. Gustaaf van Tendeloo, Antwerpen Prof. Dr. Paul Walther, Ulm jointly to the awardee
Dr. Johan Verbeeck
for his work on: "EELS Quantification and Electron Vortex Beams" as well as to the awardee Prof. Dr. David Mastronarde
for his work on: "A Versatile Software for Tomographic Reconstruction of Electron Microscopy Data Sets" The awards were presented at the opening ceremony of the Microscopy Conference 2011 in Kiel
on Monday, August 28th 2011. |
The Ernst Ruska Prize 2009 of the German Society for Electron Microscopy e.V. (DGE) was awarded on decision of the Ernst-Ruska-Prize Committee Dr. Linda Amos, Cambridge
Prof. Dr. Alan Craven, Glasgow Prof. Dr. Jacques Dubochet, Lausanne Prof. Dr. Gareth Griffiths, Oslo Prof. Dr. Hannes Lichte, Dresden Prof. Dr. Knut Urban, Jülich jointly to the awardees
Prof. Rafal E. Dunin-Borkowski, Dr. Takeshi Kasama, and Prof. Molly R. McCartney
for their work on: "Electron Holography for Characterisation of Magnetic Fields in sub-100-nm-sized Materials and Devices" as well as to the awardees Dr. Saori Maki-Yonekura and Dr. Koji Yonekura
for their work on: "Contribution Toward Elucidating the Mechanisms of Biological Macromolecular Machines by Cryo-Electron Microscopy" The awards were presented at the opening ceremony of the Microscopy Conference 2009 in Graz on Monday, August 31st 2009. |
The Ernst-Ruska-Prize 2007 of the German Society for Electron Microscopy e.V. (DGE) was awarded on decision of the Ernst-Ruska-Prize Committee Prof. Dr. Ueli Aebi, Basel
Dr. Linda Amos, Cambridge Prof. Dr. Hans-Peter Karnthaler, Wien Prof. Dr. Knut Urban, Juelich Dr. Heinz Schwarz, Tübingen Prof. Dr. Michiyoshi Tanaka, Sendai jointly to the following awardees
Prof. Hiroshi Jinnai, Prof. Richard J. Spontak, and Prof. Paul A. Midgley
for their work on: "Novel and Quantitative Uses of Electron Tomography in the 3D Study of Nanostructured Materials" The awards were presented at the opening ceremony of the Microscopy Conference 2007 in Saarbrücken on Monday, September 3rd 2007. |
The Ernst-Ruska-Prize 2005 of the German Society for Electron Microscopy e.V. (DGE) was awarded on decision of the Ernst-Ruska-Prize Committee Prof. Dr. Ueli Aebi, Basel
Prof. Dr. Joachim Frank, Albany Prof. Dr. Hans-Peter Karnthaler, Wien Prof. Dr. Harald Rose, Darmstadt Dr. Heinz Schwarz, Tübingen Prof. Dr. Michiyoshi Tanaka, Sendai to the following awardees:
Dr. Andreas Thust und Dr. Wim Coene
Focus Series Reconstruction Dr. Daniel Studer Oscillating Knife for Ultramicrotomy The awards were presented during the opening ceremony of the Three-Country-Conference in Davos on Monday, August 29th 2005. |
Former Awardees of the Ernst-Ruska-Prize: 2000 Bettina Böttcher, Stephen Fuller, Marian Mankos 1996 W. Owen Saxton, Denis Chrétien 1993 Yashayuha Talmon, Gerd Knoll 1991 Joachim Zach 1989 Hannes Lichte 1987 Marin van Heel 1984 Helmut Kohl 1982 Wolfgang Baumeister 1980 Nigel Unwin, Richard Henderson |
DGE-Homepage |